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Best Eyebrow Transplant in Pune

Eyebrow Transplant Treatment

A sort of cosmetic surgery to make your brows fuller is an eyebrow transplant. This treatment is long-lasting and permanent. Although recovery following an eyebrow transplant usually only takes a few days, the effects may not be visible for several months.

A permanent cosmetic treatment called an eyebrow transplant can restore lost hair or make your brows seem fuller. In order to replace your existing eyebrow hair, a surgeon will carry out this surgery utilising scalp or hair transplants. When doing a hair graft, a surgeon takes a tiny portion of your scalp, often from above your ears, which may contain two to fifteen hair follicles. Your hair grows out of tubes called hair follicles. Your eyebrows receive the hair transplant from the surgeon. Your brow hair will appear more prominent once your skin has fully recovered from surgery, which will eliminate the need for eyebrow makeup or a pencil.

Best Eyebrow Transplant in Pune